Want to see
my etchings?
2016 — 2018

“Etching has a sort of connection with alchemy <...> - it all has a touch of magic and mysterious witchcraft, as if the images of etching are born from the collision of water and fire. It is not a coincidence that the imagination of an etcher is entailed by the world, where fantastic and ordinary images are mixed.” Boris Vipper
‘Want to see my etchings?’ was a development work-study phase within the AFK granting program.
As a multidisciplinary artist with linguistic and graphic design backgrounds I was always fascinated by the classical printmaking techniques. Being able to practice some of them during my study at St.Joost Art Academy, I have been experimenting with them on a regular basis since then in the AGA LAB (Amsterdam Graphical Atelier), where I was able to realize several printing projects.
My fascination with printmaking started in 2010, during my study at the art academy. I like the flexibility of this medium, its place somewhere between art and graphic design, the field I am actually operating in. Another thing that attracts me in the printmaking, is that it represents a ‘multi-media’ in itself: it is a 2D print (edition), it is a sculpture (metal, wood), it is a performance (process).
In the printmaking I search possibilities of the media extension: what will happen when the media and disciplines overlap. By combining various techniques I am trying to construct a nonlinear and metaphysical narration. In several works I combined etching with photography and texts.
Etching technique represents a sort of ‘sorcery’ in itself, “has a touch of magic and mysterious witchcraft”. Like it is said in the epigraph: “etching has a sort of connection with alchemy” (B.V.) - I strongly feel it does. In my practice I am interested and work with rituals, often connecting disjoined elements. Combination of different natural forces in the etching-making process, like metal, water, and fire – is a mysterious ritual that inspires me and refers to the content of my works.
Since the time of the project I continue working with etching and other printmaking techniques.
The project is realized with the kind support of Amsterdam Art Fund and Stichting Stokroos.
Exhibition: SUPERIMPOSED ->
‘Want to see my etchings?’ was a development work-study phase within the AFK granting program.
As a multidisciplinary artist with linguistic and graphic design backgrounds I was always fascinated by the classical printmaking techniques. Being able to practice some of them during my study at St.Joost Art Academy, I have been experimenting with them on a regular basis since then in the AGA LAB (Amsterdam Graphical Atelier), where I was able to realize several printing projects.
My fascination with printmaking started in 2010, during my study at the art academy. I like the flexibility of this medium, its place somewhere between art and graphic design, the field I am actually operating in. Another thing that attracts me in the printmaking, is that it represents a ‘multi-media’ in itself: it is a 2D print (edition), it is a sculpture (metal, wood), it is a performance (process).
In the printmaking I search possibilities of the media extension: what will happen when the media and disciplines overlap. By combining various techniques I am trying to construct a nonlinear and metaphysical narration. In several works I combined etching with photography and texts.
Etching technique represents a sort of ‘sorcery’ in itself, “has a touch of magic and mysterious witchcraft”. Like it is said in the epigraph: “etching has a sort of connection with alchemy” (B.V.) - I strongly feel it does. In my practice I am interested and work with rituals, often connecting disjoined elements. Combination of different natural forces in the etching-making process, like metal, water, and fire – is a mysterious ritual that inspires me and refers to the content of my works.
Since the time of the project I continue working with etching and other printmaking techniques.

The project is realized with the kind support of Amsterdam Art Fund and Stichting Stokroos.
Exhibition: SUPERIMPOSED ->